As a long-standing partner, AURIVA distributes to its member cooperatives the Holstein genetics of the Synetics scheme, the result of the merger of the genetic development activities of France’s Evolution and Germany’s Masterrind, and its partners.
As a result, AURIVA’s selection is growing stronger, and thanks to the partnerships led by SYNETICS, the best of Gen’France is now available to offer you the most complete range on the market, with diversified genetics from the best selection schemes in Europe and the United States (CRV, Vinking Genetics and URUS).
With a range of bulls that is both innovative and reliable, as well as broad and diversified, you have access to exceptional genetics, whatever your breeding strategy.
Catalog available only to Coopelso, CIAM, EDS, Sogen and XR Repro breeders.
Zone Eleveurs des Savoie and XR Repro
Guillaume Crépet, Holstein genetics creation manager
Coopelso zone
Mathieu Romiguière, Holstein Technician
Sogen zone
Rémy Laborde, Holstein Technician
Accessible by simple sampling, genotyping today enables you to optimize your renewal and breeding strategy. Combined with sexed semen and crossbreeding, genotyping is the tool you need for your livestock.
Production, morphology, functionality, health (with new information on Johne’s disease) and reproduction data (with information on sexual precocity), genotyping in the Holstein breed means benefiting from the very best in genetic innovation to manage your herd.
Please contact your cooperative or the AURIVA technical department at +33472383870 or
Cross-breeding on Holsteins: efficient and safe
AURIVA has created YPERIOS, the crossbreeder that makes your life easier, because optimizing your farm’s income with crossbred calves means preserving the full dairy potential of your cows. Short pregnancies, easy calving, calves that drink, start and grow well… YPERIOS terminal crosses not only guarantee to keep your cows and heifers in good condition, but also to generate substantial extra income. With €val, you can measure the genetic gain of a crossbred calf against a Holstein calf, so don’t wait any longer to discover our range of bulls.
Can you “cross with your eyes closed”?
In Holstein, as in other breeds, breeding is under control. With more and more genotyping and sexing, renewal is no longer a risk, and crossbreeding provides additional comfort. The qualitative progress of the YPERIOS 95 and Excellence bulls is impressive: the cows fill out well, the gestations are short for crossbreeding, the ease of birth is obvious and the conformation is quite striking.
Today, “to raise is to cross”?
Today, it’s quite rare for a Holstein breeder not to crossbreed. Genotyping and sexed semen have become commonplace, especially as it becomes more and more expensive to buy purebred heifers “from your neighbor”. The terminal crossing is a kind of natural continuity. Even at 3 weeks of age, a crossbred calf will be much more profitable than a purebred calf, without generating complications.
The advantages of Holsteins
The leading dairy cow in terms of world and national population, easily identifiable thanks to its black piebald (sometimes red piebald) coat, the Holstein is an essential part of the French and international landscape. With a national average production of between 9000 and 9500kg, the best French herds produce up to 13,000kg of milk.
And if individual records go up to 18,000kg (an average of 60kg over 305 days), Holsteins have many other assets.
Very precocious and adaptable to different breeding systems and environments, it has a long life expectancy. Excellent feed conversion, strong limbs, udders and teats ideally shaped for milking and especially robotic milking, the Holstein is the productive cow par excellence.
With a fine progression in rates over the last few years, combining volume and correct content, Holsteins are now the “queens” of useful matter!