Auction of Blonde d’Aquitaine cows and heifers
3 July 2024
PYHA: The pride of Élevage AUGEAU
14 October 2024Indexation Maternal Qualities Blonde 2024
6 bulls from the “P” test series were evaluated in the Maternal Qualities program.
The bulls OBERON (ISTARRA/CRENCA) and OMAN (GINKGO/ANIS) were eliminated respectively due to low birth rates and irregular production.
This series is characterized by very favorable results, particularly in terms of calving aptitude and milk production, attesting to a historically high series.
In this context, some bulls have managed to stand out with maximum performance in terms of maternal qualities.
Two bulls, PEGASE and PEPINO, had 100% easy calvings.
On the milk side, all bulls show high measured quantities, with record results for PEGASE.
The average level is 105.15 for the milk index, and 103.8 for the impact of mothers on the muscular development of their calves at weaning.
In view of these excellent results, 5 bulls have been put on the market after evaluation of maternal qualities, including PYHA, already on the market.
The good calving conditions of his daughters and their very good milk potential confirm this bull’s interest beyond the easy calving aspect.
With his original pedigree, he will be a vector of morphology and good fertility performance.
First in the series, he is a champion of maternal qualities, with females that raise very strong calves in the best conditions.
It is the most complete, with positive results on all maternal quality criteria and a very homogeneous, high-quality batch of females.
In a mixed-meat model, it will bring precocity and the highest dairy potential.


PALLAS comes from an AURIVA sire-mother combination of maternal qualities on a confirmed Labourdette breeding line.
She is a mixed breed with a very good topline.
It stands out for its great finesse and excellent breed qualities.
The color is well-lighted wheat with a muscular pattern.
PALLAS daughters are mixed females with the best pelvic openings and good calving conditions.
Very good milkers, they are also excellent mothers.
Their calves grow very well and are heavier at weaning than their contemporaries.
PALLAS will be used to improve dairy potential and breed qualities, aiming for mixed-type production.
He should be bred to strains with secure fertility.

Breeder: BESNIER Norbert - VAY (44)
With a dam line of fixed maternal qualities and the muscular qualities of HORFE, PEPINO is a promising offspring.
His dam, the result of several generations of matings with the AURIVA program, has an IVMAT of 111 with an IVV of 367 days.
PEPINO’s progeny, expressing length and development potential, also have good muscle levels.
PEPINO daughters are real calf molds, with 100% easy calvings on station.
Powerful cows, bred in the back, they make up a very homogeneous lot, a guarantee of a bull who marks his production with his paw.
With his original genetic make-up (HORFE/BRASIER/TOMMY), easy to breed, PEPINO will open up your mating choices with the guarantees of a proven sire.

PATUA is born from a line worked in the AURIVA embryo transplant program, remarkable for its regularity.
He is the first calf of his dam MAITANE, a daughter of ELDORADO by JULIANA MTE (ARLEQUIN/VICTORIANE), herself dam of two RRJ-qualified males on station.
Their tops are taut, their pelvises well positioned and their muscles well defined.
Balanced and racy, PATUA daughters are also efficient cows with excellent calving abilities and very good milk production.
This bull is a not-to-be-missed addition to the AURIVA genetic range for females combining production and style.
He can be used on all types of cows improving maternal qualities, breed and mix.

Already acclaimed by many breeders for use on heifers, PYHA is a worthy successor to its father FUXEEN.
While he has inherited his father’s strong points, he surpasses him in the morphological quality of his offspring, bringing greater finesse and consistency to the mix.
His calves are complete, well-muscled and pushing.
At 15 months, these heifers are a little lighter than their contemporaries, who reproduce a little later and calve at 2 years.
PYHA’s daughters show excellent calving ability and dairy qualities for optimal calf start-up.
They will be efficient herd cows, providing their calves with everything they need to express their full potential.

The fruit of AURIVA’s genetic creation work, PEGASE is a son of GALIAX on the ENERGIE cow, the program’s embryo donor and dam of 4 males evaluated at the station, of which he is the second son in testing.
PEGASE’s mixed-meat production expresses strong muscular potential right from weaning, with thick, welded tops and bouncy, bursting hindquarters for massive, marketable grazers.
His daughters retain this muscular potential into adulthood.
Moderately sized, they are easy to care for.
They achieve excellent AI results, with 100% of pregnant progeny at the end of the breeding period for calving at 2 years of age.
With excellent calving ability (100% easy calvings on station), they stand out for their record-breaking measured milk yields, surpassing those of GALIAX daughters.
PEGASE is the ideal bull to work on both muscle and maternal qualities, major criteria for the economic efficiency of your herd.